The Responsible Business Simulator

The quantitative approach to every strategic decision 

How can I make smart investments to create added value for my company and stakeholders? How can I compare financial and non-financial effects with each other and factor them into my decision-making?

The Responsible Business Simulator offers answers to these questions. This modelling tool helps you make strategic decisions based on facts rather than instincts. By quantifying both financial and non-financial aspects, you can transparently make integrated decisions. We call this sustainable business modelling.

The quantitative approach to every strategic decision
Modelling for a sustainable strategy

Modelling for a sustainable strategy

You can translate your ambitions in the areas of People, Planet, and Profit into strategic decisions. Our modelling tool the Responsible Business Simulator provides you with insight about how strategic options within various scenarios will play out in terms of your ambitions: quantitative and qualitative, financial and non-financial, with the focus always being on sustainable added value for your business. For a brief summary of the Responsible Business Simulator, download the one-pager.

The Responsible Business Simulator

The Responsible Business Simulator offers you the following benefits:

  • Integrated decision-making. Financial and non-financial aspects are quantified, enabling you to take profit, your employees, your customers, and society into account.
  • Customised for you. We work with you to customise the tool for use with your data and terminology.
  • Scientifically proven results. We perform an extensive survey of the literature to determine how your strategic options can be assessed and quantified, and how environmental factors can influence the desired effect. The method has also been developed over many years based on practical experience gained by PwC’s data analytics team while working closely with Nyenrode Business Universiteit and the sustainability and strategy teams at PwC.
  • Transparency. Responsibile Business Simulator facilitates decision-making based on facts using a step-by-step approach in a user-friendly tool.
  • Interaction. Dialogue is essential throughout the entire process: an exploratory dialogue with stakeholders and a strategic dialogue with decision-makers.
  • Proven methodology. The Responsible Business Simulator has been successfully used by multiple clients in a variety of sectors.
  • The Responsible Business Simulator is a valuable addition to the Total Impact Measurement and Management (TIMM) framework developed by PwC Global Sustainability.

Contact us

Jacques de Swart

Jacques de Swart

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 652 60 58

Mila Harmelink

Mila Harmelink

Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 210 59 25

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