The future of work

You are not an Employer of Choice by chance. It starts with the right insights.

Start the transformation today

Your organisation needs to start transforming as the labour market shortage is here to stay. Profitability is under pressure but the labour shortage is severe, so cutting back on your staff is not an effective long-term solution. It is important that your organisation focuses on strategic and creative solutions. Relevant data can provide you with new insights. Look closely at increasing productivity with fewer people by using technological developments, such as robotisation. It is also important researching whether the workload of your employees can be reduced. By studying relevant data, you can redesign processes, policies and systems so that scarce talent adds the most value in the right place in the organisation. 

In the competitive war for talent, it is important to look at which employees and skills you need within your organisation (or externally). Additionally, your organisation needs to know what employees need so that they feel comfortable and valued, thereby adding the most value. An inclusive and diverse team leads to higher engagement, motivation and productivity among employees.

Employer of choice

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PwC Workforce

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PwC advises organisations on workforce strategies, HR transformations, employee benefits and the broader value proposition, people analytics and sustainable people. We help create the right culture and leadership, making people feel at home and your organisation the employer of choice. Want to know more? Find our services below.

Need help with the new pension system?

As a result of The Future Pensions Act, the Dutch pension system will change drastically in the coming years. As an employer, you are faced with major challenges, which sometimes will be difficult to keep an overview. With our integrated approach, we guide you in designing or changing your pension scheme(s).

Learn more?

'In times of scarcity, companies must undergo transformation. By providing employees with working conditions that align with their personal preferences and needs, they will be more motivated and enthusiastic to work for your organisation.'

Bastiaan StarinkLabour market specialist PwC and endowed professor of Labour Market, Pensions and Taxation Tilburg University


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Bastiaan Starink

Bastiaan Starink

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 375 58 28

Elieke Vastenhouw

Elieke Vastenhouw

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 055 50 82

Bas van de Pas

Bas van de Pas

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 263 83 99
