Upskilling Finance Professionals

The role of finance is changing. We see several trends that are shaping the workforce of the future for Finance such as:

  • Changing business model

A flexible business operating model is required to be able to respond quickly to markets and (new) business. An increasing shift of Finance towards performance management & business partnering are key enablers for steering the business.

  • Data and digital disruption

Finance is moving into the digital era with increased use of data analytics. Predictive & real-time data is used to create relevant insights. How do you make sure you have the right insights available at any point in time?

  • Changing professional

Also a change in workforce, a new talent and a fitting culture are required. CFOs are looking for agile people with the right skillset. A modern Finance professional has business acumen and provides insight and decision support. 

Upskilling Finance Professionals

Upskilling finance professionals

Because of these trends, there is a need for additional competencies throughout the Finance organisation. The finance function must transform into a function that is ready for the future. Learning new skills that are essential for performing work is important in this respect. In the future finance function, the focus will be on the finance business partner role, in which finance proactively contributes to business performance through true value creation. This requires finance professionals to possess some new skills, such as analytical acumen, digital acumen and collaboration, communication and storytelling, business acumen and finally change management acumen. 

We develop tailor made learning programmes for finance professionals, focused on skills around data and technology, finance, communication and/or a combination thereof. We collaborate with you to customize learning journeys, leveraging the upskilling programmes that we use within PwC to upskill our own professionals.

We have developed a five step approach as a methodology. We help to assess what current and future business skills are needed, and identify the so-called skills gap based on the business and learning strategies of the organisation. Subsequently, we review your learning culture with you and co-develop and implement customized learning programmes. Finally, we monitor the results, like the learning effectiveness, and adjust where necessary.

Contact us

Timo Koenen

Timo Koenen

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 987 30 65

Sophie de Vries

Sophie de Vries

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 236 48 24

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