Compliance and data analytics

Improved processes and being in control

How do you set up the processes and systems of your organization to be compliant? Moreover, do they contribute optimally to the functioning of your organization? Data analysis of the data in your organization often offers useful insights. Our experts help business service providers with compliance and data analytics, including the following topics.

Accurate and complete payroll tax returns with HR Insights

Just like other entrepreneurs, business service providers run the risk of errors in the payroll tax return. However, the wide variety of employment contracts and remuneration structures does not make things any easier in this sector. This can mean financial cost, through fines or overpaid remittances, and the administrative burden can be disproportionate.

Our HR Insights tool checks all your payroll taxes and social security contributions from your payroll administration using data analysis. The tool identifies points of attention that you can use to adjust your return and improve your process. In addition, the analysis also shows opportunities to optimize your return, based on the latest tax regulations. The HR Insights tool can already be used before you proceed to remuneration. This enables continuous auditing. Read more about how we can help you with HR Insights.

Optimal working capital through better debtor management

The working capital performance of business service providers could often be improved. Debtor management in particular poses challenges for business service providers. The number of accounts receivable is often large, the number of invoices is enormous and the quality of the accounts receivable administration is not optimal.

Our data analysts identify the potential for improvement of your processes and systems so you can optimize your working capital. We are happy to help you with our benchmarks, analyses and implementation of working capital improvements.

Compliant with GDPR and your privacy control framework certified 

Business service providers work with large amounts of privacy-sensitive information about staff members, temporary employees, customers and contacts. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets requirements for your systems and processes. Setting up a framework that complies with GDPR is complex and how do you actually know if you comply with the requirements of the regulations?

We advise you on the steps required to achieve compliance and can certify your GDPR/privacy control framework. With our independent certification, you show your (flexible) employees and customers that their data is safe with your organization. Read more about our privacy and GDPR services.

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