Data and Analytics

We use data and analytics to help executives, employees, customers and suppliers make the right decisions.

Data Analytics

In Data Analytics, we help our customers collect, analyze and use data to understand potential futures, improve business performance and transform the way they work. As a data analyst you help our customers make decisions based on (big) data and you are the analysis expert who thinks through, researches and uses your own experiences to make our services even better. There are various teams within PwC that you can call on. For example, with our Data Analytics Assurance team. Or if you're more interested in people and the HR function, then perhaps People Analytics is for you. Maybe you fit in better with the exciting world of Forensic Technology? Or Deal Analytics where it's all about data, but also about your business insight and knowledge of the sector.  

We want all these teams to grow with specialists from different backgrounds and qualities. Your passion to drive our customers forward is what's most important to us. We will teach you the right skills.

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Data Analytics - Today and Tomorrow

A short film showing how the world of data is changing and how organisations can seize the opportunities that data and analytics offer.

Our teams

As part of the Risk Assurance Data & Technology team, you work with the most innovative team of data specialists within PwC.

Fraud and noncompliance with rules and regulations (such as KYC regulations) is happening all around us.

You will work across all sectors, with opportunities in a global network using state-of-the art tooling in data gathering, analysis and automation.

Within the Data Analytics Consulting team you continuously work on your knowledge and analytical skills.

The experts of the Smart Automation & Quantitative Solutions teams deliver and consult on scalable digital assets and services.

Our Deal Analytics team addresses complex questions in the fast-paced Mergers & Acquisitions (‘Deals’) environment.

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Contact us

Mitch Kox

Mitch Kox

Recruiter professionals Tech Consulting, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)64 845 22 08