
The world of work is changing. In a global economy people are an increasingly valuable source of sustainable competitive advantage.

Satisfied employees, productive organisation

Employees and their skills are the mainstay of every organisation. A well-organised employment conditions policy, an optimal Employee Experience and a professional HR function ensure that people with the right capabilities want to work for the organisation, that employees are satisfied and that they contribute optimally towards the organisation’s goals. To this end, the organisation offers appropriate employment conditions increasingly in line with the wishes of the individual.

Transforming organisations and HR

Just as employees’ wishes change, organisations also transform – through new technology and business models, through mergers and acquisitions, and through the changing market and economy. How do your people and HR organisation perform optimally under constantly changing circumstances? The professionals at PwC Workforce are keen to help you, including with the areas of expertise listed below. We work with you on solutions, from strategy to implementation.

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HR Transformation Solution

Employment law

Employment within an organisation knows many stakeholders and can reflect many legal implications. The design of employment agreements for example, can have major legal consequences for your organisation. Challenges become even more complicated in case of reorganisations or international employees. You need an advisor who can support you in all areas covered by employment law.

Read more about Employment law

HR transformation

Transforming companies and organizations are responding to a changing future. They will work more agile, digitalize services, enter other markets and regions or grow via a merger or acquisition. In order for these changes to succeed, the HR function changes along. HR managers want to optimise the costs of their department, increase productivity and manage risks related to fraud, reputation and compliance. How do you ensure that your HR function is ready for the future of your business?

Read more about HR transformation


The Dutch pension system will change drastically in the coming years as a result of the Future Pensions Act. As an employer, you will be faced with major challenges, which sometimes make it difficult to keep an overview. With our integrated approach, our focus on collaboration and with the help of digital solutions specially developed for this purpose, we guide you in designing or changing your pension scheme(s). Does your organisation need advice on (cross-border) pensions?

Read more about Pension

People Analytics

People and their skills are fundamental to any organisation. The HR department should play  a more strategic role using for example staff data. Yet the use of digital HR data is mostly limited to standard, recurring reports. Also with respect to specific personnel issues, such as high levels of absenteeism owing to sickness or staff turnover rates, the use of data insights opportunities are not yet used to the full extend.  How can your HR department apply the power of people analytics to resolve specific issues, generate new insights and make a strategic contribution?

Read more about People Analytics

People in deals

Delivering deal value through people

As organisations deal with a fast-transforming business environment they are looking into transactions to find the right talented people, technology and ideas to drive innovation and power-up growth. If organisations give sufficient attention to the people-side of a transaction, they can avoid losing transaction value. When they develop a good approach to the people-side of a transaction, they can even add value in the transaction.

Read more about People in deals

Employment Tax & Payroll

Due to the ongoing internationalisation of the economy, cross-border work is increasing. This can be long-term deployments, for example as part of talent management, more short-term deployments for projects abroad or normal "business trips". The employee can continue to live in the home country ("commuters") or move to the other country. The authorities of the different countries have an increasing focus on this type of workers and are helped by the linking of various data sources (immigration, posted workers reports, social security, taxes, etc.). In short, international work is becoming more complex rather than simpler as a result of these developments. How does your organisation - and your employees - deal with this increasing complexity and stricter regulations?

Read more about Employment Tax & Payroll

Executive Reward

Remuneration policy leads to all kinds of HR issues, but also with regard to finance and taxation, performance and compliance. Reward policy should be in line with your strategy, support your culture and be acceptable to the stakeholders involved. Not an easy task.

Read more about Executive Reward

Skills based organisation

Skills and workforce shortages are two of the most pressing issues facing societies and economies today, and the (future) impact on organisations is huge. The latest PwC Annual Global CEO Survey shows that 52% of CEOs believe labour and skills shortages will have a significant impact on profitability in their industry over the next 10 years.  

Read more about skills based organisations


Contact us

Bastiaan Starink

Bastiaan Starink

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 375 58 28
