Informed choices to reduce your employees' ecological footprint


Environmental Footprint Insights help with sustainable behavioural change

Organisations fear additional paperwork and administrative burden due to the possible introduction of a new climate measure. The PwC Environmental Footprint Insights tool can provide the solution. With this app, employers gain real-time insight into the CO2 emissions of their employees, so that they can continue to make sustainable choices.

In order to achieve the intended climate goals, the new government wants large employers to keep track of the emissions from their employees' commuting and business trips. The new measure will mean that companies with more than 100 employees will have to keep track of how an employee travels: by public transport, by bicycle or by car. It may also be necessary to find out what type of car the employee travels in.

The headline in the FD of January 4, 2022.

More aware of possibilities due to COVID-19

PwC already developed the Environmental Footprint Insights app last year. This was partly based on the idea that in the fight against climate change it is important that people are aware of the choices they make when it comes to mobility, for example, and thus the size of their ecological footprint.

'Perhaps you can indeed say that we had foresight', says Wineke Haagsma, head of corporate sustainability at PwC. 'Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we have become more aware of, for example, the possibility of working from home a few days a week. And that we don't always have to take the car or plane if we want to consult. Now it is important to continue that change in our behaviour.'

Special attention for ESG themes

According to Wineke Haagsma, this coincides well with the growing attention for ESG themes. Organisations are increasingly being judged on their contribution to environmental, social and governance issues. Investors are looking at these factors more often when deciding to invest money in a company.  Legislation and regulations are increasing in this area as well. Our clients are therefore more aware of this and we are regularly asked how they can gain more insight into their impact on the environment', according to Haagsma.

This is now partly possible with Environmental Footprint Insights. The app not only gives employees insight into their personal CO2 emissions when it comes to work-related mobility. They can also see how much the entire organisation emits or how much CO2 is produced within a particular project or by an office. Furthermore, the app provides information on the cost of the CO2 emissions and the time spent per employee due to his or her mobility choice.

Better picture of impact on the environment

Haagsma: 'This way you get a much better picture as an organisation, of your impact on the environment and you can realize adjustments more easily. In addition, it is easier to inform your employees about the steps you are taking regarding sustainability, and make them aware of their choices. Finally, you can clearly show regulators and investors what concrete steps you are taking and to what extent you are contributing to the ESG themes. In short, you can easily provide useful information to various stakeholders.'

'If an organisation wants to transform in the area of sustainability, it has to be supported by everyone. Starting with the leadership team, who should act as a role model. Otherwise it will not work.'

Wineke Haagsma

Sustainable behavioural change comes first

According to the PwC experts, the app should be seen as a means to achieve a sustainable change in behaviour within organisations and making employees more aware of their choices. That is why the app is part of a service package that also includes project and change management. 'If an organisation wants to transform in the area of sustainability, it has to be supported by everyone. Starting with the leadership team, who should act as a role model. Otherwise it will not work.'

PwC's circular ambition

As we are ‘walking the talk’ PwC is also using the app internally. 'This fits in with our circular ambition to operate fully circularly by 2030. Climate change is one of the most pressing problems in today's world. The business community plays a key role in combating climate change and being a driver for sustainable growth. We, too, take our responsibility and commit to a net zero ambition. This includes supporting our customers in their sustainability transformation.'


Wineke Ploos van Amstel - Haagsma

Wineke Ploos van Amstel - Haagsma

Chief Sustainability Officer, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 170 13 44

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