Crisis and Resilience Services

It’s never been more important for business leaders to prepare and respond effectively to a crisis. We can help you prepare, respond to immediate pressures and maintain sustainable long-term growth.

An integrated response to crisis

As the world becomes more complex and connected, the threat of a corporate crisis grows. Regardless of the initial cause, a crisis has the potential to inflict devastating harm, impacting everything from organisational operations to financial stability and the health and safety of your teams. We support our clients through challenging situations when facing a crisis and also understand that the impacts of a crisis can be felt months and even years after it has happened.

Organisations unprepared to manage the consequences of a crisis stand to suffer great financial, operational, and reputational loss. The impacts of incorrectly managing a crisis situation can potentially be more damaging than the actual crisis event.

We work with you to ensure that your organisation emerges from a crisis with greater strength and resilience. In particular, we support you in understanding business risks, optimising your organisation’s processes and developing and exercising plans so that you can spot future challenges at an early stage and address them effectively.

The disruption lifecycle


The more prepared an organisation is to manage a crisis, the more confidently it can fend off threats during a business disruption. PwC can support you with numerous measures to ensure you have all the tools you need in a crisis – from developing plans and holding training exercises to creating an integrated crisis and resilience management program.


For an effective crisis response, you need to take control, quickly and confidently. Business disruptions result in high pressure and emotions, losing sight of the bigger picture can have significant people, reputational and financial impacts on your organisation. We work alongside you, bringing business insight and an objective holistic view to help you better respond, prioritise and tackle the crisis head on.

Emerge stronger

When you reach a point of business continuity in your crisis lifecycle, often organisations move on to the next priority. However, most successful organisations are those that invested in continuous improvement mechanisms - learning lessons, implementing changes, and leveraging opportunities. Your recovery from a crisis can become an opportunity for new growth.

How PwC can help

Incident response

Often when a crisis hits, an organisation’s response is disjointed. Resilience competencies and teams, structured in silos that have been developed over many years, are not aligned. So when a significant event occurs, the teams, methods, and technologies aren’t able to function smoothly – and often create more challenges than solutions.

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Crisis Management

Every crisis brings its own complexities, affecting different parts of your organisation in varying ways. By designing, communicating and practicing an integrated, enterprise-wide crisis management program, you’ll be prepared to navigate those nuances with confidence when a disruption hits.

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Business Continuity

Can your organisation sustain operations in the midst of a serious crisis? How do you identify “mission-critical” processes? Do you have a backup strategy in the event of a massive disruption in your technology, facilities or other functions? Are your employees trained to respond during business disruptions?

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Build resilience for your long-term success

Now, more than ever before, key stakeholders demand to have the confidence in not only the continuity and recovery, but also the ongoing improvement of an organization's critical business processes and activities should a disruptive event occur. Being resilient as an organization means that you are able to maintain business continuity, protect you reputation and make sure the impact on customers and employees is minimal, all whole dealing with uncertainty and extensive changes. 

The main focus of our approach is to help you understand strengths and build the maturity of your crisis management and enterprise resilience to help you evolve capabilities to protect and sustain your core business functions and people. We take a risk-based approach to understand the opportunities and threats you are facing based on the risk landscape in which you operate. This provides the grounds for an agile and risk-sized program to support a systematic crisis management response especially tailored to your organization.

Crisis and Resilience Services
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Bram van Tiel

Bram van Tiel

Partner Cybersecurity & Dataprivacy, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 243 29 62

Renske de Haan

Renske de Haan

Senior Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)68 136 61 55

Cate Pratt

Cate Pratt

Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)68 136 28 90
