Corporate Treasury Solutions

Forces shaping todayā€™s Treasury

An expanding risk landscape is placing both treasurers and CFOs under increased pressure to stay on top of current and emerging issues such as commodity rading, foreign exchange (FX) volatility, market complexity and changing regulations. As Treasuryā€™s scope continues to expand from a department to an increasingly virtual, company-wide management initiative, CFOs are requiring treasurers participate in finance processes beyond the traditional scope for treasury. Treasurers should seize these opportunities.

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Treasury Hot Topics Webinar Part 1

Webcast 1: Macroeconomic impacts of COVID-19 and our learnings so far

In this first webcast, we will get a macroeconomic update from Jan Willem Velthuijsen, the Chief Economist at PwC. Ralf Zwerver, a Director in our Business Recovery practice will share some learnings and observations with individual firmā€™s responses to the crisis.

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Treasury Hot Topics Webinar Part 2

Webcast 2: Cash and liquidity management

During this session we will dive into the main market trends we are seeing, after which we will learn a methodology on dealing with current challenges and setting up an automated cash forecasting process.

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Treasury Hot Topics Webinar Part 3

Webcast 3: Tax implications on the new OECD guidance for financial transactions

In this session we will discuss the key element for some of the more common transactions (e.g., loans / cash pools) and demo PwCā€™s FT TP Analyzer to conduct a quick scan of the armā€™s length nature of Group treasury activities.

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Treasury Hot Topics Webinar Part 4

Webcast 4: Accounting considerations of COVID-19 for corporate treasuries

In this webcast we focus on the accounting implications that treasurers in corporate entities might also face. Topics we will touch upon are, amongst other, intercompany loans and trade receivables and the impact COVID-19 has on the expected credit losses and hedge accounting.

Explore our Treasury services

Strategy and organisation

Corporate treasury has touchpoints across the entire enterprise. A well-defined treasury strategy is required to guide day-to-day operational business decisions while working across the enterprise. We work with corporate treasury organisations to benchmark current practice and future-proof treasury strategies that support your business requirements. This includes:

  • Evaluating performance relative to peers;
  • Executing treasury transformation;
  • Determining the treasury vision;
  • Designing a target operating model; and
  • Enhancing governance structure and organisational design.

Processes and control

Transparency and compliance are mandatory to safeguard the interests of all stakeholders. Core treasury often involves a few specialists dealing with high value and complex transactions. Our teamā€™s experience leading treasury audits can help design and improve your treasury processes by reviewing policies and procedures to close gaps, including cybersecurity, fraud risk, internal controls, and board expectations; and providing internal audit support.

Cash and liquidity management

Cash and liquidity management are at the heart of corporate treasury management and more than ever before, the focus is on internal processes including payment/receivables factories, in-house banking solutions and trade finance.

Given the dynamic marketplace of banking and technology vendors, new solutions surface frequently. We assist in evaluating new processes to help improve visibility, control, cost and predictability by:

  • Evaluating and selecting the right banking partners and services;
  • Developing and implementing a robust and dynamic cash forecasting programme;
  • Designing and implementing in-house banking, payment factory, pooling and netting structures; and
  • Enhancing the effectiveness of your performance reporting.

Financial risk management

A traditional objective of treasury is managing foreign exchange and interest rate risk within the risk tolerance levels of the company. However, commodity risk management is increasingly falling under the scope of treasury. Financial risk management requires solid risk management policies and a deep understanding of the underlying exposures from a reliable exposure forecast.

Our team can help you reduce volatility of margins, earnings and cash flows by:

  • Analysing the interest rate, foreign currency, commodity and counterparty/credit risk of your organisation;
  • Determining strategic, operational and financial risk mitigation solutions; and
  • Designing improved processes, controls and reporting.

Treasury accounting and valuation

Accounting frameworks define accounting for financial instruments and hedging of exposures while valuation has become a separate specialisation in its own right. We can help you manage accounting and regulatory change, achieve compliance and mitigate risk in relation to your Treasury or Commodity risk exposures and transactions by:

  • Evaluating requirements and assist in the development of solutions for compliance with revised accounting and reporting standards (such as IFRS and FASB) and financial market regulations; and
  • Developing accounting and disclosure activities.

Treasury technology

Technology is indispensable for the success of projects and processes that involve a few people across disparate locations. It can provide secure workflow control when dealing with complex and high value transactions. However, technology is an enabler - not a solution in its own right. Proper tool selection is one success factor. Alignment of process and technology and correct implementation and integration are equally important for successful deployment.

We can help you develop your technology strategy, define functional requirements and preferred systems and implement and integrate systems across treasury functions and geographies to enhance efficiency, control and resource utilisation.

Deals Support

Treasury is a vital component in supporting successful M&A activity of a company. We help organisations navigate the full transaction lifecycle from pre-close diligence and support through post-deal day-to-day operations, treasury optimisation and value enhancement. We partner closely with other PwC deals, tax and accounting teams to provide full global support across the deal life cycle.


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Hot topics treasury seminar

Thank you for attending our annual hot topics treasury seminar!

The digital revolution discussed at the previous hot topics sessions is now taking shape. Computer technology is rapidly transforming from simple tooling into a smart co-worker.

Treasury can significantly benefit from this paradigm shift. The finance industry is exploring ever larger data sets from different sources in a quest to eradicate risk altogether. Some are convinced that blockchain is the ultimate machine solution for the very foundation of human interaction; trust.

At the same time our experience with digital technology raises some fundamental questions and concerns. Can data and algorithms be unbiased? Can and should AI replace humans? Is a world full of android co-workers safe and secure? Will humans be able to stay in control?

Digital treasury is not just about bits and bytes. It is equally about our relationship to machines and their algorithms. We do not pretend to have all of the answers; however, we offer you a program to help navigate the opportunities, reimagine the possible and recognize the benefits.

For your convenience, we have included the presentations.


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Contact us

Kees-Jan de Vries

Kees-Jan de Vries

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 069 68 28

Karin Meijer

Karin Meijer

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 030 39 90

Wayne Ting

Wayne Ting

Senior Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 330 50 31

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