Annelien Spruijt

What does sustainable progress mean to you?

‘We are stronger together than alone. Together with my colleagues and the client, you form a team in which all of us share our knowledge and expertise. I've experienced that if you learn from one another's qualities and actually make use of them, then the solutions are viable and more sustainable for the long term.’

“As a starter, I progressed relatively fast; I liked the way I was given so many opportunities and felt challenged in my work.”

Annelien SpruijtConsultant IT Risk and Regulations

Meet Annelien, a runner, go-getter, risk consultant and solver at PwC.

How did you end up at PwC?

‘It was through a recruitment event of my student association. PwC’s Rotterdam office is right in front of opposite the Erasmus University campus. That was ideal because it allowed me to combine my graduation internship with my study programme.’

Why did you choose PwC?

‘It's a bit cliché, but I had a really good feeling about the PwC people I talked to at the careers day. My graduation internship matched up really well with my study programme in terms of subject matter terms of content, so it was my dream starter job. And the organisational culture and growth opportunities at PwC deserve definitely bonus points. ? Additionally, the organisational culture and growth opportunities at PwC definitely deserve bonus points.’

What struck you during your early days at PwC?

‘The way colleagues took the time to explain things and answer questions. I was still finding my way back then, and that helpfulness was a pleasant surprise.’

“Everyone in my team is very approachable and the atmosphere is energetic.”

Annelien SpruijtConsultant IT Risk and Regulations

What is your educational background?

‘After graduating with a bachelor's degree in International Business Administration, I did a master's degree in Business Information Management.’

What’s your average working day like?

‘You can divide my day into three parts: client work, meetings, and internal matters such as recruitment. I work on issues regarding compliance and risk & control; With our team we are currently working on a big implementation project in which we analyse processes and risks and improve controls. This helps our client to be more in control and comply with legislation and regulations.’

What makes your work enjoyable?

‘As a starter, I progressed relatively fast; I liked the way I was given so many opportunities and felt challenged in my work. Within our Technology & Control team, we work on a wide range of issues, always seeking the best possible solution.  My clients are also often international, so I have to deal with stakeholders located all over the world together with different interests.’

“I really appreciate the way PwC's trusts you to take responsibility for time management yourself."

Annelien SpruijtConsultant IT Risk and Regulations

Tell us something about your team?

‘The team I work in is called Technology & Control; it falls under Risk & Regulatory within Broader Assurance Services (BAS). The Technology & Control team is a relatively small one, which means you quickly get to know one another. You're seen as an individual, so you don't feel lost in the organisation. Everyone in my team is very approachable and the atmosphere is energetic. If I have new ideas, I can pitch them and put them into practice.’

What's still on your bucket list?

‘I'd like to go abroad for a longer time. New Zealand and Australia are definitely high up on the list.’ 

Which project makes you proud?

‘The client project I'm working on right now is multidisciplinary and international. I'm proud that all our expertise in technology, compliance, ERP, tax, and advisory is brought together in it, and that we also consider sustainability and societal aspects in the solution.’

What do you think of the work-life balance at PwC?

‘I decide for myself at what times I work, which allows me to drive to the office either before or just after the rush hour. It also means I can go for a run before it gets dark, for example. I really appreciate the way PwC's trusts you to take responsibility for your own time management.’

What would you say to future colleagues?

 ‘Above all, be yourself! Discover what it’s like working at PwC and all the great projects you get to do. By that, I don’t just mean client projects but internal activities too.’

“My clients are often international, so I have to deal with stakeholders located all over the world together different interests."

Annelien SpruijtConsultant IT Risk and Regulations
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