DAC6: five months after go-live (Dutch)

DAC6 is live as of 1st January, what are the experiences to date? How many reportable arrangements do we see and what type of reporting (which hallmarks) are most common? Learn about the experiences in the Netherlands and other EU member states, and if governments are acting on the DAC6 data they receive. We will share best practices and lessons learned


  1. Welcome and introductie
    Robert Jan Meindersma
  2. A retrospect on five months of DAC6
    Robert Jan Meindersma
  3. Tax Authorities coming up to speed
    Robert Jan Meindersma 
  4. DAC6 lessons learned
    Zoya Zalmai
  5. A blueprint of DAC6 governance
    Christian Lieverse
  6. Wrap-up and Q&A

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Target Audience

Specifically for DAC6 responsible persons, but also of interest to anyone working in the tax or related area, such as CFOs, Tax, Legal and HR directors and managers.

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Contact us

Franny van der Klooster

Associate, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 358 69 12
